our name suggests, Naturally Nancy’s Protective Cream
is ideal for treating dry skin anywhere on your body. Whether
you suffer from winter-chapped hands, dry, calloused feet,
or generally dry skin, Nancy’s will soften and protect
your skin. Use several times a day, and just before bedtime,
and see for yourself the dramatic results.
Naturally Nancy’s is more than “just another hand
cream.” Look at these many different uses:
Do you have a prescription cream to treat conditions such
as eczema or psoriasis? Some doctors recommend purchasing
your prescription, applying it, and covering it with Naturally
Nancy’s Protective Cream to hold the prescription cream
in place.
Because Naturally Nancy's forms a protective barrier between
your skin and the environment, it's often used by hair
stylists doing chemical treatments on clients with sensitive
use the cream to soften, waterproof and protect their heavy
leather chainsaw gloves and boots. The cream does not cause
stitching or leather to break down the way some products do
over time. Naturally Nancy's can also be used on saddles,
bridles, harnesses and other leather goods as a softener and
protective product.
Food handlers apply the cream before putting on their
latex or vinyl gloves, and can also apply the cream and handle
food directly as Naturally Nancy's is a food safe barrier
«« Burns - Ever get a minor burn or scald
in the kitchen? A little dab of Naturally Nancy's will take
the sting out of the burn and help speed healing.
Electricians, plumbers and other tradespeople apply
Naturally Nancy's before working on a job, and find it makes
cleanup afterwards that much easier and quicker.
Foot clinics operated by VON (Victorian Order of Nurses)
use Naturally Nancy’s for their clients foot care.
Cancer patients suffering undergoing chemotherapy frequently
have dry, itchy skin. Using Naturally Nancy's Protective Cream
helps to take away the itch and bring relief.
Teachers who have sensitivity to chalk can use Naturally
Nancy’s in the classroom without it affecting the no-scents
Naturally Nancy's is even great for pets!
Because it’s not a toxic product, you can apply it to
the pads of your dog’s feet in winter when salt causes
dryness and cracking. Helps prevent the snow from forming
balls in between the pads of their feet.